Are You Worried About The Side Effects Of Back Pain?

Aside from the usual side effects of back pain, like the disturbance of your sleeping habits and the difficulty in sitting still during extended periods of time, the real concern should be addressed to the cause for back pain. Because if the occurring back pain is persistent (e.g. chronic back pain) that spans over a period of time (such as 3 months) then there should be a considerable cause behind it. Unfortunately since back muscles are the hardest working muscle group in the body, back pains are a frequent occurrence which indirectly effects it being the hardest to identify condition. So its is a good investment to learn all about back pain, the causes and the side effects of back pain, and how it is prevented or if the condition is occurring, how best to relieve the effect. Because being equipped with the proper knowledge is the best preventive measure for any ailment anytime.

If you find these conditions accompanying your back pain, then it is strongly suggested that you seek professional help.

Fever and chills: back pain with fever especially if accompanied by chills (indication of severe body heat loss) is often a symptom of a viral infection. The back pain is usually where the affected gland is. One such example is Hepatitis, where a blunt pain is experienced in the lower back and accompanied by fever and chills. Appendicitis also shows these symptoms.

History of cancer with recent weight loss (or unexplained weight loss) it is not uncommon for cancer to be the actual cause for the back pain. Severe trauma: fractured or cracked spinal is a deadly cause for back pain. If you have persistent back pain occurrence after a surgical operation, most probably there are still issues that are overlooked. Consult your surgeon. Likewise, if you experience a sharp pain moments after you had a sharp fall, then you should be on your way to the doctor. Significant weakness on the legs accompanying a back pain signifies a major nerve disorder. Dysentry, Crohns disease, or ulcerative colitis are also a possibility. Sudden bowel and/or bladder incontinence. Either difficulty passing urine or having a bowel movement, or loss of control of urination or bowel movement. Though in some cases, this is self treatable. Severe, continuous abdominal pain and back pain signifies major problems in the organs.

Though in some cases, back pains do not cause major problems (cases where the above conditions are absent), the best you can do is start an exercise regimen that is supplemented with a healthy diet and good water consumption. If you experience a bad back, do not fret too much. Study your condition. If nothing is out of place, side effects of back pain will mostly interfere with your daily routine which can be annoying. At most, side effects of back pain include discomfort in sitting in extended periods, a disturbance in your sleep, and an irritating pain every time you try to bend over. Either case, it is nothing that a good living (with exercise) cannot cure.

Ronald Goodpaster - About the Author:
Ron Goodpaster is a loving husband and father of six beautiful children. He has written many articles on health and nutrition. Please visit his website at


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