The Back Pain Therapy

Back pain is normally the most common condition that is consulted to doctors here and abroad. People who are prone to back pains are those individuals who constantly lifts weights and whose line of work requires heavy labor. It may be caused by a strained muscle, tussled nerve endings, strained ligaments and herniated discs. But remember that, through the back pain therapy it is possible to treat back pain.

A lot of people believed that surgery is the only way to treat back pains effectively. But, little did they know that there are conservative methods that you can take advantage of. The pain can be alleviated through a simple and less expensive back pain therapy.

Here are some of those back pain therapies:

  •  physical therapy
  •  enzyme therapy
  •  spa therapy
  •  Percutaneous Intramuscular Electrothermal therapy
  •  Acupuncture
  •  Yoga
Among all those back pain therapies, Yoga and physical therapy exercises can help a lot in managing back pain. Because it includes stretching and strength-building exercises. These exercises help strengthen and loosen not only your lower back but adjacent muscles like the legs, buttocks and abdomen as well. Developing the said areas creates a stabilizing support on your back. Stretching various muscles and ligaments during back exercises helps maintain and gain flexibility and mobility.

For stretching exercises you need to do the following:

1. Lie on the floor and let the vertebrae in your back to align themselves.

2. Hold the position for one minute.

3. Stretch you arms backwards and overhead and let your hands fall to the floor.

4. Relax and hold the position for one minute. Next, you need to pull one knee towards your chest while extending your other knee.

5. Hold your position then repeat it to your other knee.

6. Then pull both of your knees upwards and hold them near your chest area for a few seconds.

7. Drop your feet back and then keep repeating the movement.

8. Do the exercise on regular and prolonged periods of time for substantial results.

Strength-building exercises, on the other hand, helps build your lower back and adjacent muscles. To perform this, you have to lie on the floor with your knees bent and your lower back gently pressed on the floor. At times, this exercise relieves lower back pains immediately. The part within your lower and middle back is commonly vulnerable to pain. In strengthening this area, you need to prop your feet while lying down. Then lift your lower back and buttocks from the floor.

You may also do some hyper-extensions to your back. These are reverse sit-ups done while leaning on an exercise ball or on a Roman chair. Strength-building exercises should be done at least three times a week in consistent basis to attain improvements.

You could definitely do those exercises together with a physical therapist sessions, Because physical therapists are trained individuals that specialize on creating physical regimens on pain areas and specific injuries and focuses on their healing. An accredited physical therapist helps you increase flexibility, motion range and blood flow better from what general exercise and stretching could offer.

Back pain may seem to be just a small problem for most people. However, there are some who have ignored the back pains that they have been experiencing - only to find out that it further lead into a worse case. If you would like to find out more on back pains and the importance of making ways to relieve them, visit: -

Mike Perlman - About the Author:
I am a freelance writer who advocates on natural remedies to cure body illnesses and pains. He also has done some research on alternatives to keep your body healthy and prevent possible diseases or other problems. Good diet and proper exercise are the two helpful tips to maintain a healthful lifestyle. One common body problems that he now focuses on is the back pain.


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