People are eager to find out the successful remedy for this irritating pain. For that it is necessary to understand the cause of the back pain. Every individual's body is unique and everybody's habits are different. So treatments are fixed only after detail study of daily habits and practices.
Right side back pain is the result of bad posture and the wrong habits of lifting and pulling objects. Some times an injury in the back may cause such pain. Such back pain can be relieved by stretching exercise and proper medication. The treatment will be decided by the doctor after fixing the cause of the back pain. It may be healed within six week or some more days.
If you are observing your posture and if it is not perfect; then your spine may not be strong and stable. When you improve your posture, your spine will have enough strength which may result in removing the back pain. But it will take time to improve your posture. You should have patience to continue the positive change.
The second important reason of Right side back pain is the incorrect way of lifting the objects from the floor. While bending to lift the things you should not bend from the waist but to bend from knee. The weight of the object does not matter much if you follow proper way of picking up. However you may face right side back pain if you try to lift excessive weight. People with excessive body weight probably face the right side back pain. It is always better to control your body weight.
If you are facing the problem of muscle imbalance, then it is quite possible that you are facing right side back pain. The balance amongst various muscles in our body can be achieved by appropriate exercise.
If you have more body weight on any side of your body, then there is no balance between usage and strength of right and left side of body. This may result in right side back pain.
Right side back pain is always misunderstood as the kidney back pain. Kidney back pain is the result of kidney infection or kidney stone. Such type of back pain can be removed with proper medication for kidney problem. But the main thing is to differentiate between the kidney back pain and right side back pain. Some doctors may use the tests like Urine Dipstick, Urine culture or scan and X ray of bladder.
Right side back pain may not be acute but it is necessary to give attention towards the pain. Some times the diagnosis of right side back pain may lead to other serious problems of kidney.
Treatment for the right side back pain problem is different in every case. But normally the exercise routine, good posture, changing of habits of lifting and pulling objects, and controlling the body weight are the methods used.
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