Stomach And Back Pain

Nobody likes pain and it's meant to be unpleasant.

However, pain is useful.It alerts you about the problem in your body.You should never ignore pain, especially stomach and back pain.The pain may be an indicator of something more serious.

When you encounter stomach pain, it normally means you ate something you shouldn't have. However, when stomach and back pain are combined, never ignore the symptoms. When stomach and back pain occur together, it could mean a number of things.It may be due to digestion problems, acid reflux, or nerve damage. If you do encounter both together, don't hesitate to see a doctor immediately.

When you see your doctor, he or she will want to know about the pain you're experiencing. Explain the pain exactly as you feel it. Is it a sharp pain, as if someone were jabbing you with a sharp stick, or is it a dull, recurring pain? Does the pain get worse when you sneeze or cough, does it keep you from sleeping, or does your stomach and back pain go away and come back with any kind of regularity? These are just a few of the questions your doctor will ask before examining you. The doctor will determine if the problem is minor, such as digestion problems or more serious, such as nerve damage, which could require surgery.

Stomach and back pain, especially when they occur together, should not be ignored. When you feel pain such as this, it usually means there's something going on inside and the pain is the only way to alert you about the problem. Your doctor is the one who should make the diagnosis, however, so it's important not to try any alternate treatment.Let your doctor examine your stomach and back pain as soon as it occurs, for you don't want to exacerbate it by waiting too long.

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Roger Thompson - About the Author:
Roger Thoompson writes on Arthritis Relief for a Website dedicated to arhritis & pain relief information


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